Huwebes, Pebrero 27, 2014

Pancake House - Greenbelt 1, Makati

Pancake House was a go-to for me because their Spaghetti with Meatsauce was to die-for. I always loved it even now. (Hey! i'm still a big kid!)

The first time I brought Steven to Pancake House, we were in Market! Market! He ordered Seafood Gambero and I ordered my usual Spaghetti with Meatsauce. 

I can say that, that was the worst Spaghetti with Meatsauce I've ever tasted. I think it was too watery, as if they didn't drained the pasta well. Maybe they just put the pasta on the plate and drained it on the plate. Plus the sauce wasn't enough. PH on Market! Market! You suck. :3

But Steven's Seafood Gambero was a Foodgasm. Seriously! I promised myself to get it when we eat again!

Well, I don't have pictures because I'm not blogging before. But I'll be blogging about our second foodtrip together in Pancake House. Now it's in Greenbelt 1, Makati.

I'll post the menu and prices before proceeding sa food review. This post isn't that long naman, hehe. I just want you to see that Pancake House isn't that too expensive. It's great for kids and big kids, so if you're a big kid be sure to visit PH! 

Thirst Quenchers


Pasta Dishes


Lea&Perrins Pepper Sauce!

Yuummm! Even though we already ordered two pasta dishes, I still insisted on ordering one sandwich! The reason I told Steven is, Pasta is better with bread. Hahaha! But in reality I just want to use the Hot sauce! I mean, I can't use it on pasta, right? Whereelse can I use it? Well, except for hamburgers, but like I said, we already ordered two pasta dishes so I opted out for a much lighter meal.

Grilled Ham and Cheese
This was served first to us before the Pastas, we were so hungry and since the pasta hadn't arrived yet, we started wolfing it down we almost forgot to take a picture. If you're thinking there's only two french fries there, there's a lot. We just started eating it hahaha! There were fruit siders too, I love the pineapple! It was sweet and juicy! But pickles, ew pickles. Pickles are the worst. Hahaha

We also ordered Calamansi Juice for Steven and Bottomless Iced Tea for me. I think it came first before the sandwich. As usual, drinks always goes first. Haha :3 I really can't rememeber the sequence of events but yeah, we forgot to take a picture of it hehehe.

Chicken Fillet with Cheesy Spinach Pesto Linguine

Steven's dish, it was really good although I want more sauce on it. Hahaha! I over-do my sauce when I make my own pasta so yeah, It's good, it has a lot of Parmesan Cheese, the Pesto wasn't too overwhelming and the chicken was tasty! I don't know why they have to put a lemon on top. Are we supposed to squeeze it and mix it with the dish or what. But yeah, I loved it! I shared with Steven ofcourse! 

Seafood Gambero
A so-so dish. I was really impressed when I first tasted it in Market! Market! But now, what happened. I hate the inconsisntency on their dishes. I want to punch their faces! Haha! But it's still good, I mean if it wasn't from the seafood it would be a total crap! The sauce was really bland, I was expecting a tastier Marinara sauce but no, it's not watery but it's bland. So unfair! I get crappy ones! Hahaha! But I still love it, because seafood. But yeah, whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Everytime I remember how the Marinara sauce tasted like, it's blaaaaah. Hahaha! Pancake House, how dare you say "Tangy tomato herb sauce" No it's like a fake sauce huhuhu How dare youu.

Steven and I both agreed that the Seafood Gambero that we ate before was better than this.

Halo-Halo Jubilee
 After eating, we rested for a bit. Since we saw that there's Halo-halo in the menu, we still tried to eat some even if we were so full already! Haha!

Steven, my Fiance, is a big fan of halo-halo. Eversince, he tasted it, he craves for it. We still haven't eaten halo-halo yet since he went down here so we're grabbing the chance to eat one. I never heard of foodies who rave about halo-halo of Pancake House. Hell, I never even heard they had halo-halo. Haha! Anyway, I was also curious so we ordered one.

It was really hard to mix. The ice was hard. So it's already a minus one for me, there wasn't too many milk, which is a minus one again. When we finally mixed it, when I first tasted it, it's really yuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmm!! It's very delicious! It may not be the best in ingredients but it has the best taste! Like ever! 

I have to warn you though, I have a really sweet tooth so you may not like this. Different strokes from different people. So yeah. But in our case, we both loved it! 

The ice was hard. 
The beans were hard too.
The milk wasn't that many.
But all the flaws were forgotten as soon as it touched my tastebuds. I even forgot I was full that time! Hahaha!

Since I haven't tasted sofitel's do-your-own halo-halo yet, I'm saying this is the best one so far. For me ha! :)

I'd lick this if I could.

Overall, Pancake House is average. For me. I mean, they messed up with my pasta twice, so no mercy anymore. Once you messed up with my Pasta, the trust is broken and I can't forgive you na. Landi much? Hahaha! 

I still suggest you try to visit Pancake House especially if you have kids! :)

Kitty Rate:

3 out of 5 Kittypaws

Miyerkules, Pebrero 26, 2014

Mama Chits - The 2nd Chapter

Hi my kitties! This is another product of my laziness. I'm blogging about Mama Chit's! Again!
If you missed my first post about Mama Chit's, here's the link!

The ever so fun sign of Mama Chit's

My Fiance is so tall! 

It was a very hot afternoon, after going to church we decided to eat at Mama Chit's. I've been raving about the food eversince I ate at Mama Chit's and Steven was excited! I kept bragging about the cheeseburger (which is their bestseller), so my fiance is really looking forward to eating here!

Oh yeah!

We found this cool chair as we enter, it's standing beside the door. Though, I think my ass is too small for this! Haha! :3

 It's small. Hahaha!

I'm glad it's not too packed when we went there, but there's a small queue. On my last post about Mama Chit's I said I wanted to sit on a certain spot so I can look closely over some memorabillas displayed! I'm glad that the spot was vacant! We were able to sit there!! 

The Small Line

There was our spot last time

I think the miss saw me taking the picture of the wall and mistook that I am taking a picture of them. I'm so sorry! I just can't help myself to shoot everything on the place! It's just so lovely!

There are so many vintage stuff all around!

Business Time!


Old Telephones

Old Jars

Very Old Soda Bottles

Tip Jar?! Anyone?

Mama Chit's Skull
hahaha! I'm not serious. I don't know why there's a skull there. I am glad we didn't sit near it or I'll be losing my appetite.

I don't know who they are, but I know they're the one behind that mysterious skull!

Very Old Beatles Album

I have no idea about this, Steven just told me about it. And he was the one who took a picture of it. 


As you can see, the prices are very affordable! Next time we go here, we'll be ordering the family burger!

Mama Chit, is that you?

I'm still wondering whether this is Mama Chit. I should ask her the next time we come here. Hehehe

Mama Chit's doesn't sell burgers alone, they have pastas and salads.  They also have yema on the counter, everlasting, ubeng puro and some other snacks sold for a very reasonable price! I'm sorry I only have photos for everlasting and ubeng puro. 


Purong Ube

Awesome Drinks

The variety of sodas, juice and coffee!

Condiments: Mayonnaise, Ketsup, Hotsauce and Mustard

My very gorgeous fiance ♥

Our order came in a little bit, we ordered Dr. Pepper (original/small), Coca Cola (cherry) for drinks. And we had Turkey Burrito and Cheeseburger!


I'm a hotsauce lover! I put a lot of hotsauce on my food everytime I see it. I'm just, i'm addicted to it! Whatever kind, haha!

Mama Chit's Cheeseburger and Turkey Burrito

This must be heaven!

When you think Cheeseburger is the most delicious of all for being the best-seller, think twice, you might be missing some of the hidden treasures! At first bite, I was literally closing my eyes, and my mouth was open in awe. This is the best! This was my first time to eat a burrito so I don't really have an idea how a normal burrito tastes like, but I'm pretty sure this is above normal! Even Steven was impressed by it's taste! 

Can't get enough?

Lonely Cheeseburger

I still find the cheeseburger lonely. Maybe it's really because of the small pattie. It's still delicious and the meat was still the right amount! The taste is consistent :) I love Mama Chit's Cheeseburger, but Tukey Burrito wins my heart this time. 

Coca Cola Cherry

This is a really weird Coca Cola flavor, it's a so-so for me. Original is better.

Dr. Pepper Original

Eh. The cherry flavor and original doesn't have any difference. Well, the cherry had stronger flavor. I still don't like it. Hahaha!

One happy customer!

Uh-oh It's getting crowded!

After eating, we hang out for a bit because it's still so hot outside! People are starting to come and eat over Mama Chit's. After a while we decided to take off because it was getting crowded na. 


While relaxing earlier, Steven kept telling me to take a picture of Mr. Burgie outside. Hahaha! Here you go love!

It was pretty crowded when we got up and took the picture so I was a bit shy to take pictures of Mr. Burgie
look how crowded it became..

It's getting packed!

Father and Son

I still managed to take one shot of Steven with Mr. Burgie!

Mama Chit's also accepts Catering Services

I wondered how Mama Chit's Catering goes. It would be great for a picnic or a barn-themed occassion! Hehehe!

Despite the sucky drinks, I'd still give them the highest rate. It's the food and the ambiance that brings them up. I'm biased with small and unique cafes like this so... Hahaha!

Kitty Rate:

5 out 5 kitty paws

278 J.P. Rizal Street, San Roque, Marikina City

Tel. No.: (02) 646-8547

Martes, Pebrero 18, 2014

Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf - Philippines

This is a very late post. I have been sick for a month and a half and been trying to cure this illness. I am suffering from the lazy syndrome. We all know almost all of the teens have been suffering from this syndrome.. wait, I'm not a teen anymore.

Anyway! It's good to be back!

New Years Eve, Steven made it a memorable one for me. Ofcourse, everything he does is awesome. Which makes him more awesome because he's already awesome and the most awesomest because he's with an awesome girl! JK! But seriously though.

We were spending our time at Greenbelt Madissons, watching Supernatural, eating and playing. We plan to spend our new years eve on Star City, because did I tell you that their ferris wheel is awesome? Definitely more awesome than that of EK's. But we decided to stay at our condo and watch the fireworks from the 25th floor. You read it right! 25th baby!

We went out like 5:00 pm and decided to eat somewhere but everybody's closing already! They allow customers, but only for a take-out! Grr. We want to eat somwhere before going to Star City, but we could't find any that we liked! Luckily, we found CBTL!

Our Savior!

The first thing we asked when we saw the janitor outside the shining, shimmering cafe restaurant was "Open pa po?" He said yes and we asked if we can dine-in. Looking confused, he said yes. Yes, we've been turned down a lot of times that day! 

Upon entering, the sight of cakes and pastries makes me want to break the glasses and eat it all! lol!

We ordered 2 Ice Blended, one Red Velvet and the other is Pure Double Chocolate. Because we're craving for pasta that time, we ordered Lasagna and Roast Chicken and Mushroom Fussili.

Some Cool Stuff!

I was kind of expecting that they'll be serving it as soon as we ordered it. Haha! Steven might not notice it that time but there was a complete confusion and disappointment in my face when the guy gave me this instead. I was like, are you kidding me?! Hahaha! Plus I'm not done staring at the cakes and cookies in front of me yet! Sorry! Laking karinderya kasi eh lol anyway it was cool! I've never seen one before so I was amazed too but I just realized that when we're already seated.

Mmmmm Cozy!

Excuse the dis-arranged tables! I think we're the culprit haha! I forgot to arranged it! This was a very comfortable couch, it feels good to sit and relax after roaming around!

Beeep beeep beeeep

We're kind of waiting for it to move or something. I actually don't know what will happen so I'm waiting for it. It vibrated and the lights are dancing as it vibrated. I was kind of hoping there's music, I was so disappointed there isn't any. I call for the CBTL company, please make a ringtone or something. "Beeeep, I know you're hungry! Now pick your food!" Hahhaha jk

Our orders!
Time for the food review! Yes, I think I can properly write a review even we we're hungry that time!

Red Velvet and Pure Double Chocolate
P150+ (LRG)

Pure Double Happiness!

I wasn't able to notice that the one I ordered is coffee-free! If I was only able to see that, I'd be ordering Double Chocolate! I have been decieved by the word PURE lol! Even so, this never failed me! It has it's bittersweet flavor! 

My verdict? It is very nice! I am speaking for those who doesn't like too much flavor on their drinks. It can quench thirst, I mean other chocolate drinks too (in other cafes) but they were too sweet you'd be looking for water after awhile. While this is very nice, it's flavor is not that rich. But it's kind of rich. Like if I'm going to rate it's flavor richness I'd give a 4.3 out of 5. When you drink it, it's very nice but when you stop drinking it's gone that you have to drink again to feel the taste. It's almost enough, but not enough. 

I'd still be going back to CBTL for this though!

Red Velvet!

One might think it's strawberry! But it's red velvet! I was kind of expecting that it's darker in color. Steven and I didn't liked this one. I'm glad I wasn't the one who ordered this! lol! To be fair, it's good. But it was below our expectation so I'm giving this not just two, but four thumbs down (including my toes).

It is bland. Like drinking a creamy whatever. But maybe I was thinking it is what CBTL's signature is, like a little bland. Hahaha! I don't know, maybe others would find red velvet good :D

Roast Chicken and Mushroom Fussili

I love pasta dishes! I'm a big fan of pasta so I know what's good and not. I'm not really pihikan, because I eat simple karinderya spaghetti that others may find bleh. 

This dish is very delish. Just the right amount of sauce and the roast chicken is tender. Mushroom is very nice! This dish can fit for two people! It's a lot! 

I also noticed that they had the right kind of pasta, and I think choosing fussili is right!


I'd highly recommend you try this one! It's very very very delish! It's so cheesy and tomatoey! Italians might find it as "too much sauce" but for filipinos who crave for a tomato sauce dish! Hooray! It tasted so good! I wanted to steal this from Steven but mushroom fussili is good too!! Hahaha!

But the amount is small. Bitin! sobra! Hahaha! I suggest you get two orders of this! Hahaha! Jk!

Lovely Wall!

The overall ambiance of the cafe is very nice! Even though my shot didn't gave justive to it. :D


Ofcourse, we didn't forgot to buy a pastry! We were full, but never say no to pastries!

The cookie was big, I think we bought Chocolate Chip Cookie which costs P55. It's one of the best cookie I ever tasted in my entire life!

Steven and I ♥

We were satisfied that night and very happy! Thank you CBTL for saving our night! Off we went to Star City! Look out for my next post!

Kitty Rate:

4 out of 5 kitty paws!