Miyerkules, Mayo 22, 2013

Pan de Amerikana- Marikina Branch

This will be my first post in this blog, so I'm going to blog my most favorite place in Marikina, so far. Haha!~ 

One of the reasons is because it's only half a block away from home.

I personally love places with a country-vintage ambiance, and this place is a win-win. From the cheap food it offers to it's top-notch ambiance! And for all I know, PDA has been featured on different TV shows already and is visited by different celebrities! Okay, I know I sound too excited for an old news. Hahaha! I know a lot of people knows about it already... but hey! this would be new to those who don't. (Ofcourse, kat! ofcourse!) Okay, I'll stop na. Promise. Hahaha

So yeah, for those who seek for a place to hang-out with friends, love ones, or just an alone time, Pan de Amerikana is one of the best places you can go to.

Mr. Chef is here to welcome you!

The three little Chefs welcomes you too!

Self-service!! but no service charge. Ofcourse *facepalm*

I want to punch myself. Haha! But anyway, yes, it's self-service! I don't have a picture of their water section. Yes, you get your own water, so don't "waiter, waiter" them okay? hahaha! I'm so conyo lol Don't worry they serve your food with eating utensils naman. ;)
In their water section, they have this little cabinet with a variety of small plates, maybe it's for sauce or extra plates for leftovers. Maybe, I think. I'm such a clean-freak. T.T Or maybe just for extra plates for extra people! :)

Jars of waters! Charot! Hahaha!

Techincally, I'm right. You can wash here, that's why there's a faucet and a soap. 

 Ola!!! (L-R, Steven, Me, Kay, Tin, Kris)

While arguing whose gonna take the picture, one of the waiters volunteered to take us a picture, are we lazy? :33 

That is my boyfriend, Steven. And my siblings ;)

Don't you love the ambiance? And our beauty? hahahah jk

Another photo taken by the waiter

I don't know why the waiter did this, maybe he's angry at us... Hahaha just kidding! It's because he also wanted to take a picture of the pictures above us. Awesome wall isn't it? :)

It's Lamon Time!!!

We ordered 5 rice, a bottle of sprite, Waknatoy, Caldereta, Bicol Express, Liempo and Chopseuy! 

Ofcourse, I let my boyfriend taste all the filipino dishes we ordered! The Chopseuy was okay, he didn't like the Liempo, and his favorite is the Bicol Express.

In my own opinion, their liempo is a bit dry. Not that juicy! Their Bicol Express is very nice, right amount of spices. The spiciness was not dull and it was not too much. Their Caldereta is nice! Waknatoy is very very nice, I love how the pickle's flavor blended with the tomato sauce! My most favorite will be Chopseuy, the thick sauce was just great, vegetables were not overcooked, it's like foodporn in my mouth when I was eating that.

My sisters said they love the Waknatoy and Liempo.

A very good deal at a cheap price!

Steven enjoying his Bicol Express!

My Pa-cute Sisters ♥

There's a duyan there. When I go here alone, I always rest there and take long naps. Hahaha! I'm lucky i'm not yet banned in this place. lol

You can also go to the magical tree that leads to the magical bridge.

Taking a break from Chess!

We decided to play Chess while our sisters are taking selfies everywhere.

Mr. Horse-y!

We were both taking this seriously...

Resting while waiting.

After taking pictures and playing chess, we were about to leave when I decided I want turon. So we ordered turon and waited for it. The waiting was long, I don't know why, but it's fine, I get to rest with my love for a bit.

I wasn't able to take a picture of the turon but it was very nice! It's like they sprinkled a lot of awesome innit. Best turon I ever tasted so far! When you visit PDA, be sure to grab one!

Kitty Rate:

4 out of 5 Kitty paws

Pan De Amerikana
(MAIN BRANCH) #92 General Ordoñez Corner Maroon St. Marikina Heights, 1800 Marikina City

Operating Hours: Mon -Sat: 6:00 am - 7:00 pm

                         Sun: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm

Contact Number: 475-23-98

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