Huwebes, Pebrero 27, 2014

Pancake House - Greenbelt 1, Makati

Pancake House was a go-to for me because their Spaghetti with Meatsauce was to die-for. I always loved it even now. (Hey! i'm still a big kid!)

The first time I brought Steven to Pancake House, we were in Market! Market! He ordered Seafood Gambero and I ordered my usual Spaghetti with Meatsauce. 

I can say that, that was the worst Spaghetti with Meatsauce I've ever tasted. I think it was too watery, as if they didn't drained the pasta well. Maybe they just put the pasta on the plate and drained it on the plate. Plus the sauce wasn't enough. PH on Market! Market! You suck. :3

But Steven's Seafood Gambero was a Foodgasm. Seriously! I promised myself to get it when we eat again!

Well, I don't have pictures because I'm not blogging before. But I'll be blogging about our second foodtrip together in Pancake House. Now it's in Greenbelt 1, Makati.

I'll post the menu and prices before proceeding sa food review. This post isn't that long naman, hehe. I just want you to see that Pancake House isn't that too expensive. It's great for kids and big kids, so if you're a big kid be sure to visit PH! 

Thirst Quenchers


Pasta Dishes


Lea&Perrins Pepper Sauce!

Yuummm! Even though we already ordered two pasta dishes, I still insisted on ordering one sandwich! The reason I told Steven is, Pasta is better with bread. Hahaha! But in reality I just want to use the Hot sauce! I mean, I can't use it on pasta, right? Whereelse can I use it? Well, except for hamburgers, but like I said, we already ordered two pasta dishes so I opted out for a much lighter meal.

Grilled Ham and Cheese
This was served first to us before the Pastas, we were so hungry and since the pasta hadn't arrived yet, we started wolfing it down we almost forgot to take a picture. If you're thinking there's only two french fries there, there's a lot. We just started eating it hahaha! There were fruit siders too, I love the pineapple! It was sweet and juicy! But pickles, ew pickles. Pickles are the worst. Hahaha

We also ordered Calamansi Juice for Steven and Bottomless Iced Tea for me. I think it came first before the sandwich. As usual, drinks always goes first. Haha :3 I really can't rememeber the sequence of events but yeah, we forgot to take a picture of it hehehe.

Chicken Fillet with Cheesy Spinach Pesto Linguine

Steven's dish, it was really good although I want more sauce on it. Hahaha! I over-do my sauce when I make my own pasta so yeah, It's good, it has a lot of Parmesan Cheese, the Pesto wasn't too overwhelming and the chicken was tasty! I don't know why they have to put a lemon on top. Are we supposed to squeeze it and mix it with the dish or what. But yeah, I loved it! I shared with Steven ofcourse! 

Seafood Gambero
A so-so dish. I was really impressed when I first tasted it in Market! Market! But now, what happened. I hate the inconsisntency on their dishes. I want to punch their faces! Haha! But it's still good, I mean if it wasn't from the seafood it would be a total crap! The sauce was really bland, I was expecting a tastier Marinara sauce but no, it's not watery but it's bland. So unfair! I get crappy ones! Hahaha! But I still love it, because seafood. But yeah, whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Everytime I remember how the Marinara sauce tasted like, it's blaaaaah. Hahaha! Pancake House, how dare you say "Tangy tomato herb sauce" No it's like a fake sauce huhuhu How dare youu.

Steven and I both agreed that the Seafood Gambero that we ate before was better than this.

Halo-Halo Jubilee
 After eating, we rested for a bit. Since we saw that there's Halo-halo in the menu, we still tried to eat some even if we were so full already! Haha!

Steven, my Fiance, is a big fan of halo-halo. Eversince, he tasted it, he craves for it. We still haven't eaten halo-halo yet since he went down here so we're grabbing the chance to eat one. I never heard of foodies who rave about halo-halo of Pancake House. Hell, I never even heard they had halo-halo. Haha! Anyway, I was also curious so we ordered one.

It was really hard to mix. The ice was hard. So it's already a minus one for me, there wasn't too many milk, which is a minus one again. When we finally mixed it, when I first tasted it, it's really yuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmm!! It's very delicious! It may not be the best in ingredients but it has the best taste! Like ever! 

I have to warn you though, I have a really sweet tooth so you may not like this. Different strokes from different people. So yeah. But in our case, we both loved it! 

The ice was hard. 
The beans were hard too.
The milk wasn't that many.
But all the flaws were forgotten as soon as it touched my tastebuds. I even forgot I was full that time! Hahaha!

Since I haven't tasted sofitel's do-your-own halo-halo yet, I'm saying this is the best one so far. For me ha! :)

I'd lick this if I could.

Overall, Pancake House is average. For me. I mean, they messed up with my pasta twice, so no mercy anymore. Once you messed up with my Pasta, the trust is broken and I can't forgive you na. Landi much? Hahaha! 

I still suggest you try to visit Pancake House especially if you have kids! :)

Kitty Rate:

3 out of 5 Kittypaws

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