Biyernes, Mayo 24, 2013

Hidden Valley Springs Resort

The first time I heard about Hidden Valley was when my Aunt told us about it. It was in a family gathering, she kept describing how beautiful and relaxing it was there. My aunt has high standards so when she likes some place, I would automatically think that it's worth going to. 

I wasn't really like "I want to go there, soon!" but for some reason Hidden Valley was stuck in my mind.. :3 Meowrr

I was researching for places that my boyfriend and I can go to when he comes here. Well, I want it to be perfect since it was our first meeting. I stumbled upon Laguna's Resorts and one of their best is Hidden Valley. I got excited. I was full of beans that day and I kept researching about Hidden Valley, It was not easy. I never really travel a lot, so I was also nervous and scared. But so what? It will be fun!

There are a couple of blogs featuring Hidden Valley but I just can't get enough information, it was really difficult to go here but it's all worth it!

 Couple Shot at the Bus

From Rada St. Makati (Where our rented condo was located) we rode a taxi going to Buendia.
We rode a JAC Liner Bus going to Balibago, Sta Rosa Laguna.

The trip was 1 and half hour, we didn't experienced heavy traffic at all! But according to some blogs I read, there are days when there's heavy traffic, I just don't know what days though. ;3 

P112.00 per Person!!!

Since I am not familiar with Laguna, I asked "Kuya Konduktor" to drop us off where we can ride tricycles to Hidden Valley, and so he did. 

After we got off the bus, we weren't really sure where to go, we didn't see the tricycle terminal we were supposed to go. So I asked some of the people around. Don't worry, they were all friendly and they would tell you where the terminal is. It wasn't that far, You'll see some establishments like 7/11 and Mercury Drug, then there's a street leading to the Market, just walk a little bit and you'll see the terminal. 
(We were accompanied by one of the people we asked! So friendly!)

 Taken while we were already Riding the Tricycle.

Ofcourse you have to negotiate with the tricycle driver. According from the other blogs I read, they paid P100 - P150. That is just going to the resort, but the tricycle driver charged us P200, which is a bit expensive, especially to a 'kuripot' like me. I don't want to say that he took advantage for the fact that I'm accompanied by my boyfriend whose obviously a foreigner, but yeah anyway, it's okay. :)

You should also get the number of the tricycle driver, so you don't have to go looking for another one when you're going home. You should tell them what time will he pick you up. 


We took a break because the road was bumpy and very bumpy, and oh, did I say it's super extra bumpy? Hahahaha!

I should say, P200 wasn't that bad for the ride! :D

I have to put some load on my sim so I can text Kuya later, so we went to some sari-sari store. I looked back at Steven and he's looking at something, he stayed like that for a while. So cute and funny!

Strictly Prohibited!!!

We saw this upon entering, we brought water with us. But yeah, no need to bring food! There's plenty inside! Haha!

There is a small house-like room on the gate, and before entering, you should pay to them. I was surprised because it didn't looked like it's a place to give your payment at, I thought twas some kind of a room for security guards. 

We paid P4,000, he gave us a receipt and instructed us to go to the lobby to get our change. It is P1,200 per person (That was last May 24,2013, it may vary over time). We paid for a Daytour, which includes the use of all facilities and 2 buffet meals! If you wish to stay overnight, the rooms play around P8500+ per pax. The last time my aunt called, she was informed that the overnight stay was about P12,500. I don't know why it's so expensive, maybe because of the upcoming holidays, but hey! I swear, what you'll be paying is totally worth it!

There are some cool chairs in the lobby, and there are free water and Nestea.
Nope it wasn't Nestea, hahaha! But Steven thought so, hahah! How cute! It was actually Sago't Gulaman =))

Some kind of Manger? Maybe they put decorations here when it's Christmas! lol

Relaxing Atmosphere

Don't you love it??

This ain't Titanic my love ;) Haha!

Playing with our Silhouettes 

Too bright to look!!

The pathway we walked!

Just by looking at these pictures makes me want to go back there!! Ugh, I miss it there!!

 I love Butterflies!! There are lots of it in Hidden Valley, just flying around, enjoying Nature!

A big lizard that just popped out of nowhere! It's skin looks shiny and slippery! Scary!!!

The beautiful Bridge

Picture Time!!!

The largest leaf I've seen in my entire life! I wanted to have a picture under the leaf posing like a dwarf but I saw a big spider under it so I ran away from it, shouting. But we still took a pic of it! Haha!

Random Well

Steven found a fan!!

We decided to walk around for a bit and explore! Steven lead the way! Because I'm scared!

Don't judge me! Hahaha! I was just scared that random frogs will jump out of nowhere or lizards or snakes. Luckily, we didn't meet any! It was just me being paranoid! Hahaha!

We kept walking, and it's a mistake that I wore shorts! When you go here, don't ever wear shorts! or just bring some off lotion, or other anti-mosquito lotions!

I was thinking 'The end of this path should better be cool!' You don't know, maybe there is some hidden treasure in the end!!

We found some weird stuff like this!

And even took Selfie! I mean Couple selfie? Oh whatever. Haha

And this is what we found!

Dang! All that walk for this! Hahahaha! I was disappointed but I was laughing at myself, at us. Hahaha! It was still fun! The disappointment at the end was fun, believe me, it really was.

Some kind of a Convention Hall where one can rent for parties, business meetings and such.

Behind that is the Shower/Locker Room. One can avail a locker for just P500, it was just for the key, they will give your money back after you gave them the keys back.

Inside the locker room, there are lots of koreans. I was surprised and scared at that time, I feel like I'm a foreigner on my own country. Haha :D 

We changed into our swimming outfit. Take note! Wear proper swimming attire! :)

After changing we decided to explore around again, this time, with the paths that has signs. Haha! 

Hello Babies!!! Now we're going to explore the Hidden Falls! ♥

The Giant Tree behind us! There are lots of this here!

WHOOOO! Are you Excited?!

I can't read it, but I'm guessing it says Hidden Falls :3

The walk was a bit long! But so what!!! 

Someone will be following you, watching you, every step you make. Hahaha! To ensure your safety and to see if you'll try something funny, like jumping off the cliff. 

It was nice, atleast I know if we slipped and bump our head, someone's going to be there to help.

Yeeeeeeeeeees! Such a beauty!!

The rocks were mossy! So be careful!

Getting Closer!!!

Water from Above

I suggest you bring some waterproof cases for your gadgets because you might get wet while attempting to go closer. :33

Hidden Falls! Close-up!

This is the farthest we can get, If I have the courage to go nearer, we would but the squishy feeling of sand on my feet scares me. So Steven and I just sat on a stone and let our feet enjoy the waters with the magnificent view of the Hidden Falls.

It was lovely and romantic, playing, cuddling in a spectacular place like this.

It was time to go because we were both hungry and so we went back. Time to get some free food! Oh yes!! Free food baby!!!

One last shot before going!!

Next time we go here, we will go on the top of the falls. I don't know how but I will know! I will!!!

Buffet Area!

It looked like heaven after trekking for hours! I can't wait to see what's served for lunch!!

Classic Filipino Style!

I love how they design their dining area! Guess what's the centerpiece... It's the santan flower! I remember making flower necklaces when I was a child~ hehe!

Time to get our tummies filled!

It was too bad we weren't able to take pictures of the food served.

There was Guinisang Ampalaya. I forced Steven to eat it, simply because it's one of my favorite dish, and he didn't want it. Haha!

There were Bbq's which are juicy! 

There's Beef Stroganoff! Very creamy! It was my favorite! I can eat it all! Hahaha!

There's Pumpkin Soup, I'm not a fan of it so I didn't finish mine..

Sago't Gulaman! Which Steven mistook for iced tea, hihi so cuuute

I forgot the other foods served, haha! I was focusing on beef stroganoff! I swear if you go here and they serve it, eat it all! Hahaha!

What I like is the unlimited coffee! Whooooooo!!

Time to Swim!!

Warm Pools

Soda Pool!

Another Soda Pool!

The Lover's Pool!!

Warm Pool!! (Close-Up)

Another close-up shot of warm pool

They have lots of pools! Let's start on the warm pools, they have 3 warm pools, they differ in temperature, the top would be the hottest, I was supposing, hahah! I think the 1st and 2nd warm pool has the same temperature, the 3rd one which is near the bridge is not that warm. I love the 3rd one!

The soda pool. I was kinda thinking it was made of soda but it wasn't hahaha! 

The lover's pool! I don't know why they said it's secluded!! It is not!! T.T There are people watching us, hahaha!

I love the soda pool among the three kinds of pools! And so is Steven! ♥ We had fun here!

Time for our 2nd Meal!!!

 Filipino Desserts!

Just Chillin' ♥

We came back for our second meal, and this time there are desserts. Filipino Desserts! Perfect for my boyfriend! ♥ 

I was looking for coffee but there wasn't any. *wails 

After eating we just roam around, took more pictures and played. Steven gave me a piggyback ride! I'm such a happy kid! We saw kuya waiting for us at the exit so we didn't have to text him. 

That was our unforgettable experience in Hidden Valley. We will definitely go back here next time!!

Kitty Rate:

5 out of 5 kitty paws

Other Informations:

Hidden Valley Springs Resort
Makati Office
Ground Floor Cattleya Gardens
111 Carlos Palanca Jr. Street, Legazpi Village, 1229 Makati City
Telephone Numbers: (632)818-4034; (632)840-4112 to 14; Fax number: (632)812-1609